Image tang-chen-chuan

每一個至關重要的空間中,氛圍皆是居者靈魂萃取而來,在心靈與空間親密對話時刻,帶入真正的品味,並讓這份美好深深挹注日常生活的分分秒秒,儘管匍匐現實壓力之下,亦能夠在空間中尋覓專屬的身心放鬆時刻。真正的好設計不僅是讓居者享受身處之境,更是間接與社會形態、自然生命環環相扣的一大奧義;因此,湯鎮權空間設計事務所希望藉由高品質的設計態度,與不斷精進的設計內涵,探尋空間靈魂,利用整體生活美學的構思與創意,產生出更多質感空間環境予以渴求美好生活的世人們。 湯鎮權總監從事設計工作三十餘年,不斷的對設計定義重新詮釋,是想讓住家空間經過設計後而得到人性化的空間。人是有個性的,而空間同樣也是有個性的。如何用心去設計符合每個人的人性空間,是他對空間生命的詮釋。 Space, the atmosphere is extracted from the soul of the resident. In the moment of intimate dialogue between the mind and the space, bring the true taste and let the beauty deeply insert to the daily life, even though Under the pressure of reality, you can also find exclusive moments of physical and mental relaxation in the space. A great design not only about letting the resident to enjoy, but also about building the connection with the society and the nature. Therefore, Tang Interior Design Company hopes keep on producing quality spaces for the people with our passion and positive attitude. And to dig in the soul of the space with our creativities and concepts of life. Awards: 2020 美國 MUSE Design Awards 金獎, 2020 義大利 A‘Design Award 2銅獎, 2020法國NDA銀獎, 2019 美國 星火Spark Awards國際設計獎 Finalist, 2019 美國 MUSE Design Awards 2金獎, 2018 澳洲 The Melbourne Design Awards (墨爾本設計大獎) 2銀獎, 2018 英國 SBID International Design Excellence Awards Finalist, 2018 英國 LICC 佳作, 2018 義大利 A‘Design Award 鐵獎, 2018 香港A&D Trophy Awards Winner

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  • Type of ProjectOffice
  • TypeCompleted Work
  • LocationTaiwan



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