Image tarcowong

王榮梯,1991年生於中國福建省,童年於2002年移居澳門。2016年獲中國廈門華僑大學建築學士學位,2013經校方選拔,前往台灣中原大學建築系一年交換生,同時,於大學二年級開始在課餘時實踐建築設計、澳門場所設施行政准照的申辦等工作。 現為澳門實習建築師,擔任建築設計、室內設計、行政准照申辦和裝潢施工管理等工作,主理的專業項目已達150項以上,當中比較集中於建築與室內設計兩者結合,及室內設計、行政准照申辦和裝潢施工三者結合的項目。 設計的思想受現代主義建築師路易斯·康的影響,追求空間永恆與神聖的質感和意象,創作美學喜好融入文藝復興及昭和年代等具時空背景的因子,亦聯同藝術家有機開放式合作。 個人作品目前喜好混搭風格,從中實驗新化學反應形態風格;參以化繁為簡、精闢提煉、造工精緻及細節揣摩為中軸詮釋表達,在當代多元風格下拓寬觀者審美視野。 Tarco Wong, born in Fujian Province, China in 1991, was moved to Macau in 2002. He obtained a Bachelor’s Degree from Architecture from Huaqiao University in Xiamen, China in 2016. During his university life, Wong went to the Department of Architecture of Zhongyuan University in Taiwan in 2013 for one year as an exchange student. Besides, starting from the sophomore year, He has worked as an intern for architectural design and application for the administrative permits for the Macau facilities in his spare time. Wong is now a junior architect in Macau, works as an architectural designer and interior designer. He is responsible for all aspects of planning, budgeting, and execution for interior design projects, as well as the application for administrative permits. Up to now Wong has been handled for more than 150 professional projects, which focus on the combination of architecture and interior design, as well as the combination of application for administrative permits, and the design and execution of interior projects. Inspired by the modern architect Louis Kahn, Wong pursues the texture and image of space that is eternal and sacred. His design has a style that transcends time and place by adopting the elements of Renaissance and Showa Period. He also cooperates with local artists freely in his projects. Currently, Wong loves to mix and match styles in his work, experimenting the ‘chemical reactions’ with new forms. His design reduces complexity with exquisite workmanship and tireless pursuit of perfection of the details, to broaden the viewers' aesthetic visions under a contemporary and diversified style.

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Project Details

  • Type of ProjectResidential
  • TypeCompleted Work
  • Year2021年4月1日
  • LocationMacau


         項目位於澳門澳門級地段,單位澳門澳門級地標,俯瞰澳門旅遊塔的景色;遠眺是澳門連接與氹仔的海景,近望是每年作龍舟竸渡賽兩個人工湖;背而單位向是數座五星級酒店及雲集全球最添彩設計品牌的商場,故居單位名為“壹號湖畔”(One Central Residences)。












         設計中使用了大面積的“白”,讓自己在室內脫離了不同的喧囂,也是對隱私的歸屬感。外在的展示方式,到了在媒材上,以材質去中心的“白”背景牆以「白色烤蠟岩凹紋」「白色絨布客波浪凸紋」,肌理與全落地玻璃窗延「白色雲石板」劃分飯廳,以射出「白」可以是立體的;若用質地觸碰材質,可以選擇顏色的冷暖,此時“白”的溫度;同時,屋內玄關可以是有溫度的;客氣及房間窗台處安裝著白月光般的燈飾,與夜幕的出現窗邊映照出「月」 ”可以是感應感應的。














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