Founder of TienFun 天坊 Interior Design, an award-winning multi-disciplinary studio in Taipei

Chang Ching-ping 張清平

June, 2023


Chang Ching-ping is the founder of Tienfun Interior Planning, an award-winning multi-disciplinary studio in Taipei. His work exemplifies his passion and exceptional mastery in design, seamlessly blending Eastern and Western influences to create exquisitely luxurious interiors. Asia Designers Directory connects with Chang Ching-ping to learn more about his design philosophy and the messages behind it.


As the founder and chief designer of your practice, what do you think is the most important aspect of running a successful design business?



In the field of interior design, I believe that the foundations of any successful practice rest upon two crucial pillars: the brand and the team. These two elements are interdependent. While some may perceive a brand as a marketing tool, my four decades of experience in the design industry have instilled in me the unwavering belief that a brand encompasses much more – it serves as a tangible representation of a practice’s commitment and capabilities. In practical terms, a brand becomes an extension of a practice’s design expertise and service excellence. A brand must continually evolve to reflect the needs and aspirations of its clients. Concurrently, the brand must align with the strengths of the team, enabling individuals to harness collective advantages through collaboration and cooperation, thus fostering growth and advancement.


Your work has garnered many international accolades. Could you share with us some of the significant milestones in your career and explain how they have impacted the trajectory of your career?



Let me share a selection of projects we have undertaken, each exemplifying our unique approach to design. One such project is “龍的DNA” (Dragon’s DNA), a sales gallery that transcends conventional boundaries, blending cultures harmoniously. This project goes beyond tradition to create visually-stunning architectural structures that seamlessly integrate design elements from both the East and the West.

Using original montage design techniques, the deconstruction of the dragon’s DNA gives rise to unique forms and architectural textures, modernising ancient wisdom. The graceful integration of Western design elements artfully blurs the delineation between Eastern and Western influences. This convergence evokes a range of new emotions and fosters a sense of renewed optimism. Furthermore, this design serves as a platform to showcase the appeal of Chinese designs on the global stage.



「大明大放」通過有效溝通、深入瞭解和對生活細節的精心關注,延伸出一系列相應的概念,從空間的開放與隱秘、光線的明與暗、層次的對比與漸變等對應關係中,創造出流動感的空間堆疊與穿透,展現出一個光線渲染的對應空間。 為這一些場域製造對稱和反差的關係,也因此,讓人們可以改變認識空間的角度, 引領使用者超越既定的想像,內心深處的願望也獲得了實現。

The design of the “大明大放” project, meaning “bright and open space”, is rooted in the principles of effective communication, profound understanding, and meticulous attention to detail. Building upon these fundamental pillars, a harmonious convergence of various concepts gives rise to a space that captivates, skillfully balancing openness and privacy, brightness and darkness, and interweaving multiple layers. By establishing a dynamic interplay of symmetry and contrast, a sense of fluidity permeates. This design approach challenges one to reconsider their perception of space, encouraging a transformative perspective.



These projects have deeply impressed upon me that the role of a designer extends beyond creating beautiful spaces and fostering harmonious relationships between the environment, nature, and people. It also involves guiding individuals to embrace a life of beauty in these environments. These projects have garnered international acclaim and are well-received by clients, without whom these design concepts would not have come to fruition.


Your projects display a luxurious, modern oriental appeal. Can you elaborate on the key design considerations underlying this concept?


“心東方心奢華”, meaning “Heart of the Orient, Heart of Luxury” is not just a concept, but a mindset that embodies the Eastern culture, akin to the fluid and adaptable nature of water. Thoughtful design approaches hinge upon the art of reflecting life through personal narratives.




I encourage Chinese designers to embrace our cultural heritage in their designs, going beyond mere imitation of Western styles. We can learn from the spirit of the West and direct our rich heritage into design concepts uniquely rooted in our identity. While design approaches and styles may evolve over time, the unwavering pursuit of design excellence remains a constant. The East, to me, is more than just a style; it encompasses a deep-rooted culture and a distinct way of thinking. I strive for my designs to originate from the East and undergo a radical transformation through innovative design practises.



“心奢華” or “heart of luxury” denotes a meticulous and thoughtful approach to indulgence. From selecting design elements to applying inspiration, my commitment lies in seamlessly integrating Eastern and Western influences. Specifically, my objective is to rejuvenate “elements connected with people” in the context of modern time and space. By infusing Western design vocabulary with the essence of Eastern spirit, the “心奢華” conveys serenity, tranquility, and elegance.




Sophistication is compromised when we overlook details. True luxury resides in achieving perfection in every aspect of creation. But what exactly do these details entail? These details encompass the essence, while quality relates to outward appearance. The distinctive nature of the “Heart of Luxury” lies precisely within these intricate details. Meticulous attention to detail is what brings about luxury.


老子說:「天下大事必作於細,天下難事必作於易」。從其中我理解到的意思:作大事必須從小事開始,天下的難事,必定從容易的作起。所以,大禮不辭小讓,細節足以決定設計的成敗。細節是什麼?對於我而言細節可以是一句話,一個動作,一個念想……細節像沙礫一樣,感覺很微不足道,很容易被忽視。 我認為在設計里細節,就是指那些看似普普通通、平平凡凡的,卻又十分重要的可以為設計創造差異之處。

In the words of Lao Tzu: “The world’s most difficult affairs begin in ease. The world’s greatest affairs always begin in the small”. This wisdom imparts upon me the understanding that to achieve greatness, we must start with the smallest of details. Tackling arduous tasks begins with the simplest ones. Therefore, we must not underestimate the significance of details in determining the success or failure of a design. But what exactly do these details entail? Details can be a sentence, a gesture, or a thought. They can be likened to grains of sand, seemingly inconspicuous and easily overlooked. In the design field, details encompass those seemingly ordinary yet pivotal aspects that convey distinctiveness and differentiation.




You have made significant contributions to Taiwan’s interior design scene and have been instrumental in driving initiatives to advance the field. How do you perceive the evolution and growth of designers and the overall design landscape in Taiwan over the years?

近幾年「設計」確實逐漸成為各行各業所看到的一項顯學。 美學的基礎扎根與地方發展美學城市的能量帶動,確實讓設計成為一種主流需求。設計師不再只是設計師,不少企業或是單位,也開始力邀設計師擔任顧問,協助診斷企業內部運作、或提供外部產業分析與美學導入。 根據調查台灣有超過八成企業肯定設計的重要性,不僅設計人才的討論度、能見度倍增,設計力更為人們的食衣住行帶來實質的改變。

In recent years, design has emerged as a prominent and undeniable force across diverse industries. The foundation of aesthetics, deeply rooted in the drive to create visually appealing cities, has propelled design into a mainstream demand. Designers are now sought after by numerous companies and organizations as valuable consultants. They become indispensable in various aspects of a business. In fact, surveys indicate that over 80% of companies in Taiwan recognize the significance of design. This heightened acknowledgment has not only raised the level of discourse and prominence for design professionals but has also led to substantial transformations in the everyday lives of individuals.



Being involved in the field of interior design for over four decades, I can attest that it is an industry that requires tremendous labour and technical expertise. Processes involved are lengthy and laborious, posing considerable challenges to businesses operating within it. The defining aspect of this industry lies in its emphasis on highly customised services. The Taiwanese design industry places a lot of emphasis on customisation.



In the past, the focus of interior designers was primarily on meeting client needs, with limited consideration for broader public impact. However, in recent years, design has emerged as a pivotal force driving innovation, gaining international recognition and exerting influence across diverse domains. Notable examples include the United Kingdom’s implementation of design-driven renovation projects for public facilities and urban drone development plans. The European Union’s introduction of the Bauhaus project seeks innovative solutions through open calls for organisations and society. New York promotes citizen-centric public service design, while South Korea invests in future-oriented design research and supports small and medium enterprises in hiring design talents. Singapore encourages design firms to transition towards business management consulting services, and Japan actively establishes and cultivates high-level design talents required for future industries.

In Taiwan, designers have been involved in enhancing public spaces such as libraries and clinics, integrating elements of space, graphic design, and industrial design. This approach not only adds aesthetic beauty to people’s lives, but also optimises the environment and service experience of public agencies and businesses. From this perspective, design has significantly enhanced our competitiveness. Interior designers have moved beyond the confines of private domains and commercial services, engaging in diverse collaborations and dialogues to become change agents.


In your opinion, how can designers impact lives and societies through designs? Can you share with us impressionable projects or works that you have undertaken and their value to others?


LeLe Books House, often referred to as the “luxurious mansion-level library,” combines the allure of a forest-inspired aesthetic with impeccable architectural design, creating an elevated space where reading is trendy. This landmark in Taichung transcends conventional library spaces by artfully combining the ambiance of a museum with the charm of a design café. It invites visitors to immerse themselves in a world where literature and artistic brilliance intertwine.




Integrating aesthetics into modern life is, in fact, a way of showcasing the culture of the East in a poetic manner. Our design aims to give a fresh interpretation of the wisdom handed down by our ancestors, breathing new life into Eastern aesthetics.



LeLe Books House transcends the boundaries of a conventional bookstore, embodying a space that deeply considers the intricate relationships between people and their surroundings, nature, and culture. Rooted in the essence of Eastern aesthetics, it encapsulates the spirit of the 21st century, when the Chinese open up to the global community. Space is lifeless without people, and books serve as the wellspring of wisdom. The connection between people and books brings vitality to space.



The design of this book store embraces diversity and inclusivity, inspiring our community to actively engage in public art and deeply influencing our design process. Our primary aim is to create designs that are compassionate towards people, nature, the environment, and space. Each reading session becomes an opportunity for personal growth. Through thoughtfully curated exhibitions, our design bridges the gap between people and art. Collaborating with various foundations, the book store contributes to the advancement of other organisations. This process of mutual learning and collaboration creates infinite possibilities. Our objective is to establish connections and facilitate the growth of positive elements around us.



What are some challenges faced by today’s interior designers? What advice would you give aspiring designers in this industry?


The unprecedented challenge brought about by the pandemic has affected industries worldwide, and the architecture and interior design sector is no exception. Finding new opportunities amidst this crisis is undoubtedly a huge challenge.



Reflecting on past business models, we hope to develop new strategic approaches to meet the demands of the new normal. This involves more targeted marketing, cultivating meaningful relationships, fostering adaptive thinking, and honing the art of effective management. Our goal is to establish a dynamic and vibrant business model that prioritises long-term growth.



For aspiring designers venturing into the interior design industry or those already in the field, my advice is to focus on honing your design thinking skills and building a solid foundation. Seek out opportunities to work in environments that foster creativity and engage in projects that push your boundaries and facilitate skill development. Do not be afraid and embrace the possibility of starting afresh or making changes, maintain diligence and passion in the process. There is a saying that goes, “What you see determines what you can do!” Therefore, it is essential to remain open-minded and constantly strive for improvement.


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