成立於2011年,米克思倍秉持「設計的力量在於塑造更好的未來、成就感動的體驗」之自我格言,專注於透過室內設計力量追求令人感動的美好體驗,藉由深度研究各國設計沿革思維,將客製化居住空間的舒適、流暢、美感演繹為高質愜意的人文藝術空間,實踐生活動、靜之間皆怡然自得的生活美學。「米克思倍」每個字皆深具意義。「米」為亞洲主食,是日常生活能量的主要泉源,由日出而作日落而息的農人按照自然節氣勤奮耕耘的結果,因此存在勤以致遠的設計意象。「克」具有克服與突破的意義,以科學方法研究掌握設計脈絡,發展極具巧思與根有所本的設計。象形字的「思」由腦與心組成,腦代表理性,心代表感性,兩者交集為用腦思考用心感受,感性與理性攜手並進的設計表徵。「倍」是增加的意思,代表豐富設計意涵、刻畫深刻感動體驗。「米克思倍」四字結合,若以英文音韻發聲,有著「空間組成」的英文涵意。 Established in 2001, Mick Space interior design holds "the power of design is to shape a better future and achieve exceptional experience" as an essential motto in mind. We focus on pursuing the best user experience through the power of design. By carefully studying the background history and development of design movements in various countries, we specialize in transforming living needs such as cozy space, smooth circulation, and beauty into soothing, artistic, and aesthetic customized residential space. There is a meaning underneath every word of “Mi-Ke-Si-Bei.” “Mi (rice)” is the staple food of Asia. Rice provides essential energy in everyday living. Farmers grow rice diligently according to solar terms. As a result, the word “mi” represents the meaning of diligence in design. The word “Ke” signifies overcoming and breaking through. Innovative and considerate design comes with solid scientific background research methodology that needs to overcome many obstacles. The word “Si” is a pictograph which combines a person’s mind and heart. The mind represents rationality whereas the heart symbolizes sensibility. The combination of the mind and the heart means our design corporates rationality and sensibility. The word “Bei” means to increase. To increase the meaning of design and to deepen the user experience run deep in our design. When putting the four characters together and pronouncing them, the pronunciation of the four characters sounds like “mix space” in English which means space combination. Awards: 2020法國NDA金獎, 2020美國MUSE第二季白金獎, 2019 德國 Berlin Design Awards Winner, 2019 美國 IDA – International Design Awards 銀獎, 2019 美國 IDA – International Design Awards 佳作
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